Outdoor Furniture Stain Removal Tips

Many people judge how well a party went by how much mess there is to clean up the next day. If your outdoor party left you with a lot of stains on your outdoor furniture, you might very reluctantly call your shindig a hit. However, before you take too much time reminiscing about how much fun it was, it is a good idea to try to clean the stains before they set in and become permanent fixtures of your outdoor patio furniture. Wine, food and dirt are the most common stains. However, mold is another pesky problem that can quickly pop up if your soiled furniture is kept warm and wet. Whatever the stain, it is always best to treat it, and then remove the material and let it air dry in sunlight to ensure that it does not shrink in the dryer and no longer fit your furniture.

This article provides some general tips for cleaning outdoor furniture. You may also choose to contact your local outdoor furniture store or the manufacturer of your particular brand of furniture.

Wine Stain Removal

You might be surprised to learn that your still-wet red wine stain on your outdoor furniture can be picked up with white wine. All you have to do is pour a little white wine on the stain and wait for the stain to lift. Then, blot the area with a dry towel to pick up both the white and red wine. If the stain is already set-in or is a white wine stain, try a simple homemade method for removing the stain. Pour 1 tsp. of dish washing detergent into 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Mix well, and use a sponge to blot the area clean.

Food Stain Removal Tips

To remove food stains from your patio furniture, pour 4 tablespoons of dish washing detergent into 1 gallon of warm water. Stir the mixture well. Douse the food stain with the mixture, then scrub the stain with a sponge. Saturate the spot with water, then repeat several times to remove the stain. If the stain persists, soak the soiled area of your patio furniture well and let the solution sit on the stain for at least 20 minutes.

Mold Stain Cleaning

Vinegar is a popular mold stain removal method for outdoor patio furniture. To utilize the powerful mold-removing powers of vinegar, fill a spray bottle with undiluted vinegar. Then, saturate the mold stain with vinegar and let sit for approximately 20 minutes. Sponge off the residue. Let the furniture dry in sunlight. If a lingering vinegar smell remains, apply a few drops of an essential oil, such as lavender, lemon, gardenia or citrus oil to remove the smell.

Dirt Stains

If left untreated, dirt stains can become ground into your outdoor furniture and be almost impossible to remove. Your best defense against dirt stains is to regularly dip a large nylon brush into soapy water and scrub the entire surface area. Then, hose the area down with fresh water and let the patio furniture piece dry in the sun. Repeat this approximately every two to four weeks to keep your furniture in good shape throughout the year.

DISCLAIMER & WARNING: This cleaning tips are general in nature and we cannot assume responsibility for actual results, positive or negative, which may occur from use of this information. We strongly recommend the use of due caution and concern when applying any cleaning solution or using any type of tool to clean furniture. Any cleaning solution should be tested on an inconspicuous area to evaluate any possible problems such as bleaching, etc. All cleaning should generally be done in a shaded area, out of direct sunlight, and be done when temperatures are below eighty degrees Fahrenheit. Certain cleaning solutions made for fabrics may spot or damage paint finishes on hard surfaces or wicker. For more information you may want to contact the outdoor furniture manufacturer or visit their website.